Please see below for the patient invitation letter, or click on the link to download it.
<insert name of participant>
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Programme of Adherence to Medication (PAM): a very brief face to face intervention, followed by a text message and/or app intervention to support medication adherence in people prescribed treatment for hypertension in primary care.
Dear «Title» «Surname»
We are writing to invite you to take part in a research study being undertaken by the University of Cambridge in collaboration with our GP practice. This research aims to develop a new service to support people with high blood pressure to take their medication as prescribed.
If you have been prescribed medications for blood pressure and you have sometimes forgotten to take your medications, I am asking you to consider helping us to evaluate this new service.
What should you do if you would like to take part?
• Please read through the enclosed information sheet, which provides you with all the details of the study or watch the video on this website [] or scan the QR code
• If you are interested in taking part in this study, please contact your GP practice to book an appointment for this purpose or speak to your practitioner in the next appointment.
What will happen after that?
• A health care practitioners will confirm your eligibility to the study and provide further information related to this intervention during the practice appointment.
A member of our practice team might follow up this letter with you, via a phone call or during your next visit at the practice, to answer any questions you may have and ask your decision on this invitation.
Thank you for reading this letter. Your participation in the study may not benefit you directly but it will help us improve the advice we provide to other people with hypertension or comorbidities in the future.
Thank you for considering taking part in this study.
Yours sincerely
<GP practice manager>